Intensive program © EUBA Bratislava
This network promotes topics which are increasingly considered of importance for a modern and innovative education in business and economics like sustainability, responsible leadership, social inclusion, as well as entrepreneurship and new technologies.
The Joint Certificate is the most prominent joint activity of the "Amadeus" network. It brings together up to 60 students every semester, who jointly attend three courses leading to the "Central Europe Connect" certificate. The program has been designed by the three AMADEUS partner institutions: WU Vienna, EUBA Bratislava and SGH Warsaw and is embedded into their curricula at the bachelor’s level. The strength of this program lies in the fact that all three institutions are involved in the program design and the course delivery. Moreover, students from all institutions jointly attend the CEC courses offered, thus making the program a truly intercultural experience in the Central European region. Considering European Universities being formed around Europe, this program is a strong and successful prototype for joint learning programs.
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