We promote cooperation in the field of higher education in Central Europe.

News & Events
99 networks awarded for the academic year 2025/26
Based on the assessment by our national experts, the "International Commission" awarded 99 networks for the academic year 2025/2026. We congratulate all participating institutes.

Featured Cooperations
Cognitive Science, Knowledge Studies, and Knowledge Technologies: What do we know, how we know and behave, and how we get to know/learn?

Summer school. © Peter Hochenecker/KPs Photography and Film

In today's rapidly changing world, it is crucial to comprehend how (human) cognition functions and how it interacts with the ever-changing technological and societal environments.
We are at the forefront of exploring the fascinating interplay between cognitive systems and their engagement with the world, be it social, creative, cultural, technological, or otherwise. Our network aims at exploring how these components influence and shape each another by jointly doing research, teaching, and applying insights in/from the fields of cognitive science, knowledge studies/technologies, and innovation.

Find out more >

PhD students attending the Regional Week in Social Work and Social Policy.jpg
Central European Social Policy and Social Work Network (CESPASWON)

PhD students at the “regional week” © Ss. Cyril und Methodius University in Skopje

Social work and social policy education has always provided important contribution to tsocieties. By producing professionals that are equipped for interventions that affect social welfare, social justice and social rights, we help to empower citizens to overcome social risks and social problems.

Given the large amount of pressing social needs and the limited amount of resources, there are benefits from uniting forces across neighboring countries and creating regional capacities for training and research in social work and social policy. Therefore, our main idea and goal is and was to build up on previously existing cooperation practices in the region (i.e. among ex-Yugoslav countries) and extend this links with new partners in Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. We established academic alliances among universities several years ago that can nurture, promote and advance the regional social work, social policy research and teaching methods.

Find out more >

What our scholars have to say
Dr. Gabriella Vöő
Exchange teacher in Olomouc
There was a large student turnout, the students were interested and they participated in the discussions. I had conversations with colleagues about academic and administrative matters and we also discussed possibilities for joint research projects in the future.
Iva Vujovic
Exchange student in Vienna
I learned a lot from some professors about topics that aren't really talked about much in my home University. And even when we do mention them, it's more theoretical and harder to understand than it is through practical learning, which we did in Vienna.
Georgi Mladenov
Working on his master thesis in Sorpon (HU)
“My CEEPUS exchange exceeded my expectations. I managed to progress a lot with my thesis and to acquire new skills in the field of mathematics. I made great contacts both with lectures and students. I hope to welcome my colleagues from the University of Sopron in Ruse (BG) next semester.”

CEEPUS in numbers