We promote cooperation in the field of higher education in Central Europe.

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99 networks awarded for the academic year 2025/26
Based on the assessment by our national experts, the "International Commission" awarded 99 networks for the academic year 2025/2026. We congratulate all participating institutes.

Featured Cooperations
Resilient management of bioactive compounds from plants and organic wastes in Middle-Europe

Laboratory work ©Dejan Prvulovic

The network points to connect teachers and students from basic to applied sciences, including researchers in the field of the plant (crop) and seed science, postharvest sanitation and food safety and technology sector, ecology, biochemistry, physiology, analytical chemistry and pest science (entomology, plant pathology, phytopharmacy, weed science)..

This interdisciplinary approach provides a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences and carrying out an impact pathway innovative analysis. The main motivation for establishing this network is an urgent need to effectively reduce pollution of the environment by reusing organic waste from agriculture and food processing to produce environmentally-friendly solutions pest and diseases control. This action will also help reduce synthetic compounds (pesticides, fertilizers, additives, etc.) by utilization of compounds of natural origin. The proper utilization of natural, plant-based pesticides produced from wastes also reduces the overuse and misuse of synthetic pesticides, which led to the considerable detriment of environmental and human health.

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Agriculture and Environment in the 21st Century - @groen

Traditional sheep farm, Zlatna Greda, Croatia

Agriculture as a business venture with ecological responsibilities, has to become a core driver from a fossil- towards a renewable resources-based economy. Core concept is the implementation of bioeconomy, the knowledge-based production and use of biological resources in all sectors.

Improving the quality of life and environment in Europe is one of the most important issues at the beginning of the 21st century. Recently, more and more emphasis has been placed on agriculture as a business venture with ecological ramifications. One upcoming target for agriculture is the implementation of a renewable resources-based economy, named Bioeconomy. Implementing this knowledge-based production and the use of biological resources for products, processes and services in all sectors is a key aspect for a sustainable future economy. The @groen cooperation, which was established in 1998, focuses on agriculture and environmental protection. The network fulfils this objective at several main areas: high quality agricultural production (in animal husbandry, plant growing, fishery and forestry), green and environmentally friendly technologies, environment conservation, natural resources management and utilization of advanced information and communication technologies. Through the benefits and opportunities offered by CEEPUS, the 21 partner universities can undertake low-cost cooperation, exchange professionals and consult in curricular areas to the safeguarding of their own interests.

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What our scholars have to say
Nicholas Chang
Exchange student in Szeged
The very warm welcome that I was received by at the faculty, as well as by the National CEEPUS Office, made me feel like an important guest and not just a number.
Georgi Mladenov
Working on his master thesis in Sorpon (HU)
“My CEEPUS exchange exceeded my expectations. I managed to progress a lot with my thesis and to acquire new skills in the field of mathematics. I made great contacts both with lectures and students. I hope to welcome my colleagues from the University of Sopron in Ruse (BG) next semester.”
Prof. Jelka Gersak
Professor and network coordinator, Maribor
It is important to point out that the activities that have taken place in the framework of student mobility, especially of PhD students, do not end with the end of the mobility, but remain as an important link, in the framework of joint scientific articles and publications in co-authorship.

CEEPUS in numbers