
National CEEPUS Offices

Each country has a National CEEPUS Office (NCO) in charge of the national implementation of the Program. If you are interested in establishing a new university network, your National CEEPUS Office is the first contact point for information regarding the program and your guest country.

With CEEPUS, there is no direct transfer of funds. Each country pays its INCOMING students and teachers and has to pledge at least 100 scholarship months per academic year. The CEEPUS Agreement also specifies that these grants be comprehensive grants linked to the local cost of living.

Ministry of Education and Sport (MES)
International Programs Directory
National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (NASRI)
Street “Naim Frashëri”, Nr. 37
1000 Tirana
Alba Domi
Expert on Bilateral Unit
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth
International Programs Directory
National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation
Rruga "Naim Frashëri", Nr 37
1000 Tiranë, Shqipëri

Tea Gjata 
Expert on Bilateral Unit;


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
NCO Information
NCO Albania  (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Students and Graduates of Arts, Sports and Nursing HE institutions
9,410 ALL for food and basic health insurance; Students will be offered accommodation in dormitories; In case they waive their right to be accommodated in dormitories they will be paid 5,000 ALL for accommodation. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
9 410,00 LEK
Students and Graduates of other HE institutions
8,900 ALL for food and basic health insurance; Students will be offered accommodation in dormitories; In case they waive their right to be accommodated in dormitories they will be paid 5,000 ALL for accommodation. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
8 900,00 LEK
121,000 to cover for food, accommodation and basic health insurance. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
121 000,00 LEK
Associate professors
105,200 to cover for food, accommodation and basic health insurance. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
105 200,00 LEK
95,800 to cover for food, accommodation, health insurance. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
95 800,00 LEK
Docents (Master)
91,800 to cover for food, accommodation, health insurance. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
91 800,00 LEK
First Lecturer/First researcher
90,300 to cover for food, accommodation, health insurance. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
90 300,00 LEK
73,400 to cover for food, accommodation, health insurance. Free access to laboratories, libraries and computers is included in the scholarship rate. The payment shall be proportionate to their stay.
73 400,00 LEK

OeAD - Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation
Mobility Programmes, Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education
Ebendorferstrasse 7
A-1010 Vienna
Fax: +43 1 53408-499
Silvia Riegler
Phone: +43 1 53408-454
Caroline Senk
 Phone: +43 1 53408-132
Information for Austrian Students and Teachers (going abroad):
For more information regarding travel allowances, mobility subsidies or other financial support, access:
Country Information:
For more information regarding your stay in Austria: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

OeAD - Austria’s Agency for Education and Internationalisation 
Mobility Programmes, Bilateral and Multilateral Cooperation
Department for International Cooperation in Higher Education
Ebendorferstrasse 7, A-1010 Vienna
Fax: +43 1 53408-499

Ana Lucia Casado Gillet
Phone: +43 1 53408-459

SIlvia Riegler
Phone: +43 1 53408-454


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
founding member

NCO Information
NCO Austria  (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Students and Graduates
Short Term Excursion: EUR 80,-/day
1 250,00 EUR
Graduates with PhD/Teacher with PhD
6 - 13 teaching/supervision hours = € 88,-/hour 14 and more hours = € 1250,-
1 250,00 EUR

Bosnia and Herzegovina
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Ministry of Civil Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department of Education
Mobility and Youth Unit
Trg BiH 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Fax: +387 33 492 627
Emina Kumric
Phone: +387 33 492519
 Branka Avdibegovic
Phone: +387 33 492 607
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Ministry of Civil Affairs, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Department of Education
Mobility and Youth Unit
Trg BiH 3, 71000 Sarajevo
Fax: +387 33 492 627

Branka Avdibegovic
Phone: +387 33 492 607


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
NCO Information
NCO Bosnia and Herzegovina (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Teachers' scholarship rate 485,00 EUR
Note: In case of a shorter stay (less than 15 days), half of the monthly rate will be awarded.
485,00 EUR
University or college undergraduates and graduates, postgraduates and PhD students Undergraduate, graduate, postgraduate and PhD scholarship rates
Note: In case of a shorter stay (less than 15 days), half of the monthly rate will be awarded.
360,00 EUR

Ministry of Education and Science
International Cooperation Directorate
Address: 52 B, G.M. Dimitrov str., Sofia 
Nikolay Gochev
NCO CEEPUS / Expert  
Phone: +359 2 424 11 34

Petyo Kanev
State Expert
Phone: +359 2 424 1107

Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Ministry of Education and Science
International Cooperation Directorate
Address: 52 B, G.M. Dimitrov str., Sofia<

Tanya Taneva
NCO CEEPUS / Chief expert
Phone: +359 2 424 11 26

Teya Kadieva
NCO CEEPUS / Expert  
Phone: +359 2 424 11 34

legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
founding member
NCO Information
NCO Bulgaria (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
PhD Students and Teachers
1 000,00 BGL
Bachelor and Master Students
250,00 BGL

Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes
Frankopanska 26, HR-10000 Zagreb
Fax: +385/1/500 5699
Tanja Veljak
Phone: +385/1/555 7855
Anja Bajt
Phone: +385/1/555 6497
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:
Academic year 2024/2025
Undergraduate and Graduates
Free accommodation in student dormitory (in double room with bathroom) is arranged and paid by NCO-HR, x-card for subsidized meals in student canteen is available for all students.
240,00 EUR
PhD students
Free accommodation in student dormitory (in single room with bathroom) is arranged and paid by NCO-HR, x-card for subsidized meals in student canteen is available for all students.
260,00 EUR
Teachers (5-15 days)
Free accommodation in student dormitory (in single room with bathroom) is arranged and paid by NCO-HR
385,00 EUR
Teachers (16 plus days)
Free accommodation in student dormitory (in single room with bathroom) is arranged and paid by NCO-HR
575,00 EUR
Short Term Excursion - Students
per day - Free accommodation
26,00 EUR
Short Term Excursion - Teacher
per day - Free accommodation
34,00 EUR
Short Term Excursion - PhD Students
per day - Free accommodation
30,00 EUR

Czech Republic
Czech Republic
Czech National Agency for International Education and Research
Na Porici 4/1035, CZ-110 00, Praha 1
Jan Trnka
Phone: +420/221 850 502

Pavel Rybár 
Phone: +420/221 850 505 

Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:
Academic year 2024/2025
Bachelor-level and Master-level students
14 000,00 CZK
Doctoral-level students
15 000,00 CZK
2-4 days: 6 000 CZK; 5-10 days: 10 000 CZK; 11-20 days: 20 000 CZK; 21-30 (31) days: 30 000 CZK;
30 000,00 CZK
Summer School or Excursion - Students - 3-10 Days
6 000,00 CZK
Summer School or Excursion - Students - 11-20 Days
10 000,00 CZK
Summer School or Excursion - Students - 21 days or longer Note: 14 000 CZK (Bachelor-level & Master-level students); 15 000 CZK (Doctoral-level students)
14 000 CZK (Bachelor-level & Master-level students); 15 000 CZK (Doctoral-level students)
0,00 CZK
Virtual mobility for teachers and students (Note: The virtual mobility as a type is valid until 31. 12. 2024 only.)
40 % for the applicant + 10 % for the host institution of the relevant rate above Note: For exactly amount of the scholarship and conditions contact the NCO-CZ.
0,00 CZK
Hybrid mobility for teachers and students (Note: The hybrid mobility as a type is valid until 31. 12. 2024 only.)
60 % of the relevant rate above Note: For exactly amount of the scholarship and conditions contact the NCO-CZ.
0,00 CZK

Tempus Public Foundation 
POB 508., H-1438 Budapest 70
Aniko Miszne Korenchy 
Programme Coordinator
Phone: +36/1/237-1300
Bernadett Köhegyi
Programme Officer
Phone: +36/1/237-1300
 Dora Csicsmann
Programme Administrator
Phone: +36/1/237-1300
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Tempus Public Foundation
Marton Beke, Head of Unit, Unit for Higher Education Policy and Development
Szabolcs Bokodi, Director, Directorate for Higher Education 
POB 508., H-1438 Budapest 70.
Fax: +36/1/239-1329


Gabor Kamocsa, Programme Coordinator
Aliz Csernyus, Programme Officer
Dora Csicsmann, Programme Administrator
Phone: +36/1/237-1300


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
founding member
NCO Information
NCO Hungary - Web Page News, Information for students coming to Hungary, Information for teachers coming to Hungary, Information for outgoing students, Information for outgoing teachers, Documents, Study in Hungary
Academic year 2024/2025
Students (BA, MA, PhD)
University or college undergraduates, graduates up to MA degree, postgraduate and PhD students
180 000,00 HUF
With min. 5 working days AND min. 6 hours teaching/supervising activity. It counts as one scholarship month.
200 000,00 HUF
Teacher Extended
With min. 10 working days within 2 weeks AND min. 12 hours teaching/supervising activity. It counts as one scholarship month.
300 000,00 HUF
Teacher Virtual
Only after a physical mobility, with a minimum of 6 hrs of teaching/consultation.
100 000,00 HUF
Short Term Excursions
One scholarship month is distributed among 4 incoming students who receive 45000 HUF each for the whole period of staying (3-5 days).
45 000,00 HUF

Moldova, Republic of
Moldova, Republic of
Ministry of Education, Culture and Research
Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1,
MD-2033, Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova
Maria-Victoria Prepeleac
Phone: +373 22 23 38 82
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Ministry of Education, Culture and Research
Piata Marii Adunari Nationale 1,
MD-2033, Chisinau,
Republic of Moldova

Victoria Vovcenco
Phone: +373 22 23 80 61

legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
in practical terms since 2011/12
NCO Information
NCO Moldova (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
PhD Students, Teachers, Researcher
PhD Students, Teachers, Researcher LEI 2.800 - food and public transport LEI 2.000 - accommodation
4 800,00 LEI
Students, MA Students
Students, MA Students LEI 2.500- food and public transport LEI 1.500- accommodation
4 000,00 LEI

Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation 
Vaka Ðurovica b.b., 81000 Podgorica
Krsto Vukadinovic
Phone: +382 67 256 866
Vasilije Turkovic
Phone: +382 69 533 333
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports
Vaka Ðurovica b.b., 81000 Podgorica

Nada Kovac Vuksanovic
Phone: +382 20 675 996


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
NCO Information
NCO Montenegro (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
students and graduates
100,00 EUR
until two week teaching
180,00 EUR
three week teaching
270,00 EUR
four week teaching
350,00 EUR
coordination meetings and summer schools
For summer schools and coordination meetings last from 5 till 10 days is 60 euros. for summer schools last shorter than 5 days is 10 euros per day.
60,00 EUR

North Macedonia, Republic of
North Macedonia, Republic of
Ministry of Education and Science
Str. Cyril and Methodius
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Fax: +3893118414
Olga Dukovska-Atov
Phone: +38923140185 
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Ministry of Education and Science
Str. Cyril and Methodius
1000 Skopje
Republic of North Macedonia
Fax: +3893118414

Olga Dukovska-Atov
Phone: +38923140185 


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
NCO Information
NCO North Macedonia (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Postgraduate Students
(in EURO) EURO 25,00 (public transport) accommodation (in public dormitory) + food (restaurant at the dormitory) + health insurance +
100,00 EUR
(in EURO) EURO 25,00 (public transport) accommodation (in public dormitory) + food (restaurant at the dormitory) + health insurance +
70,00 EUR
PhD students and teachers
(in EURO) EURO 25,00 (public transport) accommodation (in public dormitory) + health insurance +
150,00 EUR

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange 
Polna Str. 40
PL-00-635 Warsaw
Fax: +48 22 8262823
Michal Skowronski
Phone: +48 22 390 35 12; +48 22 390 35 00
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange 
Polna Str. 40
PL-00-635 Warsaw
Fax: +48 22 8262823

Michal Skowronski
Phone: +48 22 390 35 12; +48 22 390 35 00


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
member since
founding member
NCO Information
NCO Poland (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Bachelor (1st cycle) student, Master student (2nd cycle) and uniform Master student
Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).
2 000,00 PLN
PhD student (3rd cycle) or Teacher with Master Degree
Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).
2 500,00 PLN
Teacher with PhD Degree
Basic medical insurance (optional if needed paid from scholarship).
3 500,00 PLN
Bachelor (1st cycle) student, Master student (2nd cycle) and uniform Master student- VIRTUAL
For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.
1 000,00 PLN
PhD student (3rd cycle) or Teacher with Master Degree - VIRTUAL
For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.
1 250,00 PLN
Teacher with PhD Degree - VIRTUAL
For accepted and granted virtual mobility in Poland.
1 750,00 PLN

General Directorate for International Relations and European Affairs and Relation with OECD
Ministry of Education and Reasearch of Romania
28-30 General H.M. Berthelot Street
District 1, 010168, Bucharest, Romania
Fax: +40 21 312 66 14
Florentina Inceu 
Phone: +40 21 405 62 12
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

General Department for International Relations and European Affairs
Ministry of National Education of Romania
General Division for Higher Education
Str. General Berthelot no.28-30, Sector 1
Bucharest, 010168
Fax: +40 (0)21 312 66 14

Florentina Inceu 
Phone: +40 (0)21 405 6212

Alexandrina Coltan
Phone: +40 (0)21 405 6212 05

legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since

NCO Information
NCO Romania (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Undergraduate Students
120,00 EUR
Postgraduate Students
150,00 EUR
Teaching Assistant
330,00 EUR
360,00 EUR
Associate Professor
390,00 EUR
Full Professor
590,00 EUR

Foundation Tempus 
Danica Šcepanovic
Phone: +381 11 33 42 430
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

Foundation Tempus 
Žabljacka 12, Belgrade

Danica Šcepanovic
Phone: +381 11 33 42 430

legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
NCO Information
NCO Serbia (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
Students (Undergraduate, MA, PhD)
paid on the basis of real length of stay: up to 15 days - 20,000 RSD, 16-31 days - 40,000 RSD; short term excursions and summer schools up to max. 6 days – 10,000 RSD
40 000,00 RSD
Teaching staff
paid on the basis of real length of stay: min. 5 to 15 days - 35,000 RSD, 16-31 days - 50,000 RSD
50 000,00 RSD

Slovak Academic Information Agency (SAIA)
Sasinkova 10, 81220 Bratislava 1, Slovakia
Simona Mahutova (incoming mobilities: foreign applicants)
Phone: +421/2/59304 705
Silvia Lipovska (outgoing mobilities: applications from Slovakia)
Phone: +421/2/59 30 47 36
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:
Academic year 2024/2025
Students (BA and MA students)
basic medical insurance where needed
620,00 EUR
PhD students
basic medical insurance where needed
1 025,50 EUR
University Teachers without PhD
5 - 10 days = 513 EUR; 11 to 20 days = 770 EUR; 21 and more days = 1025,5 EUR
1 025,50 EUR
University Teachers with PhD
5 - 10 days = 710 EUR; 11 to 20 days = 1065 EUR; 21 and more days = 1420 EUR
1 420,00 EUR
Short term activities (excursions, intensive courses, coordination meetings): rate per day
Students up to max. 620 EUR, PhD students and teachers up to max. 1025,5 EUR
73,00 EUR

CMEPIUS - Centre for Mobility and EU programmes
OB ŽELEZNICI 30a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Fax: +386-1-620-94-51
Petra Vilfan
Phone: +386-1-620-94-59
Country Information
For more information regarding your stay in the host country: documents, visa, grant payments, accommodation, aso.:

CMEPIUS - Centre for Mobility and EU programmes
OB ŽELEZNICI 30a, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Fax: +386-1-620-94-51

Petra Vilfan
Phone: +386-1-620-94-59


legal basis
CEEPUS III Agreement, Art. 4,

3) Each Contracting Party shall establish a National CEEPUS Office which shall have the following responsibilities:
  • Advertising the cooperation and informing on all its aspects, especially on Joint Degrees, in close cooperation with the Central CEEPUS Office and the other National CEEPUS Offices;
  • Receiving and formally evaluating applications;
  • Preparations for awarding scholarships to applicants;
  • Providing scholarships when a place of study has been secured;
  • Awarding scholarships as described in the work programme;
  • Organizing payments in connection with a scholarship;
  • Receiving reports;
  • Conducting a national evaluation of the cooperation and contributing to the overall evaluation of the cooperation, where applicable;
  • Reporting annually on the national implementation of the cooperation;
CEEPUS member since
founding member

NCO Information
NCO Slovenia (NCO Information PDF - concerning important data for the applicant like visa information, grant payment, accommodation, aso.)
Academic year 2024/2025
In addition: accommodation at student dormitories (100 – 200€ per month) arranged by CMEPIUS and paid by the Ministry directly, basic medical insurance for the whole stay in Slovenia if applicable (254,19 € per month), food coupons (subsidy), public transport (subsidy).
400,00 EUR
Teachers 5-9 days (min. 6 teaching hours)
Accommodation need to be arrange by visiting teachers themselves with the help of the host institution. NOTE: CEEPUS Freemover teacher’s mobilities to Slovenia are not eligible!
500,00 EUR
Teachers 10 days or more (min. 12 teaching hours)
Accommodation need to be arrange by visiting teachers themselves with the help of the host institution. NOTE: CEEPUS Freemover teacher’s mobilities to Slovenia are not eligible!
800,00 EUR
Short term excursion 3-5 days
100,00 EUR
Summer/winter school 6-10 days
200,00 EUR
Summer/winter school 11 days or more
400,00 EUR

Division for International Cooperation in Higher Education and Science
Str.Agim Ramadani n.n,10000 Pristina
Shpresa Mehmeti
Phone: + 381 38 211 923
Academic year 2024/2025
Professors, Associate professors, Assistents
An amount for Professors, Associate professors, Assistents in Public institutions Incoming mobilities who apply to Private Higher Education Institutions in Kosovo, are paid by host Institution as per their regulation. An amount above is only for incoming at Public Universities in Kosovo.
350,00 EUR
Students, Graduates and PhD Students
Students and graduates and Ph.D.students An amount above is only for mobilities in Public Institutions (Universities). The students who apply to private Institutions will be paid as per Host institutions regulation and agreement between Host HEI and student.
250,00 EUR

Central CEEPUS Office

The Central CEEPUS Office (CCO) in Vienna is responsible for the overall coordination of the program.

Albertgasse 35
1080 Vienna
Phone: +43/1/3194850/11
Mobile: +43/664/9290886

Michael Schedl

Michael Schedl
Secretary General

Marlene Grubeck-Grabner

Marlene Grubeck-Grabner
Assistant to the Secretary General

Katrin Weber

Katrin Weber
Assistant to the Central CEEPUS Office